Thy “Kingdom” come

Thy Kingdom Come “Come O Thou King of Kings, we’ve waited long for thee”[i] This beautiful hymn captures the wishful longing imagination of millions of worshippers worldwide. In fact, all three of the major faith traditions from Abraham’s lineage expect a Messiah, a...

Hallowed be thy Name

Hallowed “Hallowed be thy name” begins the next phrase of the Lord’s Prayer. What does Hallow mean? We know Halloween as a goblin and ghoul night full of nasty tricks or treats. So that doesn’t seem to jive with the Lord’s Prayer. Like many Christian holidays, this...

Our “Father” who art in Heaven

Father As Father of all mankind, every soul who has lived, will live and is now living upon the earth, He alone deserves our most respect, and every devotion, and duty to obey His every word. He is often depicted in the writings of supposedly religious people as an...

What does “Our” mean in the Lord’s Prayer

Musings on the word, Our, in the Lord’s Prayer This adjective has many deep meanings relating to God’s plan to save all His children who will come unto Jesus Christ through keeping covenants made through the ordinances of the gospel: Faith, Repentance, Baptism and the...

Thy Name

Thy Name The last part of the phrase “Hallowed be Thy Name” invokes the pathos of all ancient Israel. They worshiped a God whose name was so sacred that it could only be uttered once a year on the day of atonement by the High Priest who entered the Holy of Holies to...

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not only taught many things about prayer, even giving us an example of a prayer, but showed how He Himself, the greatest of all, prayed to His Heavenly Father in all humility, sincerity and as a child praying to his dearest father. His...