A Particle of Faith

A Particle of Faith

I am always amazed at how little the faith can be and yet still trigger a miracle from Jesus Christ, the ultimate master healer. Faith as small as a mustard seed or a particle of faith is all that is required. Just like a little spark can start a bonfire, so can a...
A Sliver of Hope

A Sliver of Hope

Sometimes the slings and arrows of misfortunes, setbacks, attacks by people having a bad day or season of their lives, betrayal by supposed friends, illnesses, loss of loved ones, loss of jobs and homes are so overwhelming that there is little room for hope left. Hope...
No Atheists in Foxholes

No Atheists in Foxholes

In modern revelation the Lord Jesus Christ says:                 For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited...


“Lord, I believe…..help thou my unbelief.” So pleaded the father of the seizure-ridden child to the Lord Jesus Christ. We all find ourselves in need of miracles, trusting in the Lord, yet with doubts creeping in like this poor father. Sometimes in the face of...
Glory in the Lord’s Prayer

Glory in the Lord’s Prayer

Glory: The Lord’s Prayer The sacred word “GLORY” echoes down through time in many songs, hymns and chants, most famously sung in Handel’s “The Messiah”: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath...