The Holy Robe

The Holy Robe

The Holy Robe   No, nothing can return that memory so lost amidst life’s quilted patchwork, time, which ever tearing-mending covers me like clouds that blanket earth in this harsh clime. Yet feelings pierce, then leave the tattered weave, arousing empty thoughts...
The Quiet Birth

The Quiet Birth

The Quiet Birth   Christ came on Christmas day and a tinseled Christmas crowd crushed Him through store after stone.   Christ came on Christmas day and received no gifts, no promises and not even a santa stocking.   Christ came on Christmas day and like...
Where is the Light of the World?

Where is the Light of the World?

Where is the light of the World?   The veil descended, the darkness deepened. The death of Abel dropped the curtain on Eden.   Then came Cain to kill for gain. Terror on the plain to rule and reign.     Where is the light of the world? In the tomb...
Sacrament Served to All

Sacrament Served to All

  Painful Poetry   The precious pressure Of the oil press pounding down, Grinding soul finer ground. The soul poured out like oil beaten, First red, then golden dead.   The piercing pain Of the stinging spike Pounded down and down. The weary weight of...
Musings on Mortality in an Infinite Endless Universe

Musings on Mortality in an Infinite Endless Universe

The universe is like an exquisite well-oiled machine whose gears mesh ever so perfectly, running effortlessly for eons of time, seemingly without the need for adjustment here and there.[i] However, the closer we look, the more we see slight incongruences that suggest...