And Lead Us Not into Temptation

And Lead Us Not into Temptation

And Lead Us Not into Temptation[i] God the Father does not lead us into temptation, Satan does. We need protection from the adversary of all righteousness. The liar from the beginning is so deceptive as to turn our feet ever so slightly from the path to God a little...
Forgive Our Debts

Forgive Our Debts

What are our debts, sins, wrongs, doing wrong, shortcomings and trespasses?[i] In ancient Hebrew, “to sin” meant to wander off the path God has ordained for us, the straight and narrow path back to Him. There are several words in Hebrew describing different aspects of...
To Heal a Broken World

To Heal a Broken World

Oh Lord of Experience Who suffered it all for us Caught up in an unjust cosmos, Suffering the slings and arrows Of many hurts and sorrows, Death and Destruction With enemies prowling around, Thy blood dripped on the ground, Not needed in thy glorious Resurrection....
GIVE US in the Lord’s Prayer

GIVE US in the Lord’s Prayer

Give us in the Lord’s Prayer This command or request by Jesus of the Father presumes that the Father had all power according to eternal laws to give him anything he asked of Him, even power to resurrect himself. Concerning this omnipotent power to give, the apostle...
THIS DAY in the Lord’s Prayer

THIS DAY in the Lord’s Prayer

Give us this day our daily bread This Day The words “this day” evoke the Garden of Eden story where Adam and Eve were told that they could “freely eat” of the fruit of every tree[i] without thought or labor except the one tree that caused their fall. After the fall...
Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

Done The word “done” here is more than a simple part of a simple monarchy sentence. Obviously, in a monarchy, the sovereign will of the King is always done. But as King Mosiah pointed out when he switched his society from a monarchy to a reign of judges, a nation will...
On Earth as it is in Heaven: The Millenium

On Earth as it is in Heaven: The Millenium

Since the beginning, mankind has dreamt of utopia, Shangri-La and garden paradises like returning to a mythical Eden, a once dream-like state of being surrounded by luxurious plants that grow without labor and provide for all the necessities of life. However much...
Thy Will Be Done in the Lord’s Prayer

Thy Will Be Done in the Lord’s Prayer

Thy will be done Jesus has been our exemplar from the beginning. When God, the Father, in the premortal realms asked who would volunteer to come down to earth and suffer for the sins of mankind, the Savior, out of love for the Father and all of us there, volunteered...
Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come “Come O Thou King of Kings, we’ve waited long for thee”[i] This beautiful hymn captures the wishful longing imagination of millions of worshippers worldwide. In fact, all three of the major faith traditions from Abraham’s lineage expect a Messiah, a...