The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd

Some of the most tender scriptures about the Lord refer to him as a Shepherd. Not in the sense of Ezekiel’s neglectful and ravenous false shepherds, but in the sense of the kindest of sheepherders. Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life...
The Lord is My Shepherd: A Psalm of David Psalm 23

The Lord is My Shepherd: A Psalm of David Psalm 23

HASHEM is the respectful way to mention God or Yahweh in everyday speech in Modern Hebrew. It literally means “The Name”. Of the 6000 times Yahweh is spelled out in the Hebrew Bible, it is read as Adonai when reading the Bible out loud, showing respect for God’s holy...
To See the World through the Joyful Eyes of Jesus

To See the World through the Joyful Eyes of Jesus

Nothing escapes God’s attention, not even a bird falling to the ground.[i] He is ever mindful of us, His children so beloved by Him but so wandering. All we like sheep have gone astray, each to his or her own way.[ii] We live in a fallen world, so dangerous, yet so...
Joy of the Saints

Joy of the Saints

We often hear of the “joy of the saints”. But what is it? In whom or what shall our joy be focused? How do we obtain it and keep it in our hearts? The Angel announced Christ’s birth to the lowly shepherds watching the temple sheep saying: “And the angel said unto...