Praying in the Name of Jesus Christ

Praying in the Name of Jesus Christ

Being found mortal and human with all our weaknesses and imperfections, we naturally want to be a part of something larger than us. When we go on an important errand and have important work to do, we do not want to represent only our fallible selves, but we want to...

The kneeling prayer “Oh God”

The sacrament prayer is found in the Book of Mormon in Moroni chapters 3 and 4. The version the early restored church was given to use is identical and is found in the revelation in D&C 20:76-79. What follows is a word by word analysis of the sacrament prayer. It...

Keep His commandments which He has given them

“And keep His commandments which He has given them” We often think of the commandments as a long list. Seeming more like 100 ways to be nice to others from some self-improvement new age site. To be really nice all the time to all people and treat them as Jesus would...
Easter message: Blood which was shed for them

Easter message: Blood which was shed for them

For those raised in the Jewish culture of Jesus Christ’s time, blood was the cleanser of sin.[i] Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world and all the worlds of God’s creations.[ii] He was therefore dirty, with the blood and sins of his people.[iii] Because of his...
Why Bless and Sanctify for the website

Why Bless and Sanctify for the website

I have started this WordPress blog site for the simple reason to record and remind myself, my extensive family and any others who may find it useful, of the infinite depth of even the simplest scriptures such as the prayers for blessing the Sacrament as in LDS...