Honor thy father and thy mother: promises

Honor thy father and thy mother: promises

Honor thy Father and Mother In the Book of Mormon, Jesus repeats all the ten commandments in the Sermon at the Temple in Bountiful except for the one about honoring one’s father and mother. He does mention it to the rich young ruler in the New Testament and Abinadi...
The Holy Robe

The Holy Robe

The Holy Robe   No, nothing can return that memory so lost amidst life’s quilted patchwork, time, which ever tearing-mending covers me like clouds that blanket earth in this harsh clime. Yet feelings pierce, then leave the tattered weave, arousing empty thoughts...
The Quiet Birth

The Quiet Birth

The Quiet Birth   Christ came on Christmas day and a tinseled Christmas crowd crushed Him through store after stone.   Christ came on Christmas day and received no gifts, no promises and not even a santa stocking.   Christ came on Christmas day and like...
That they may witness

That they may witness

The Word “witness” is a keyword in both the prayers for the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We tend to think of it as being a witness in a crime scene and court case where we have to testify to what we have seen. But the gospel has an eternal perspective based on the...
In Remembrance

In Remembrance

How is “remembrance” different than “remember” in the Sacrament Prayers? The theme of the word “remember” is always the future action of the memory of what Christ taught us, who Christ is, the miracles He wrought and what He did for us in his atonement, death and...