The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not only taught many things about prayer, even giving us an example of a prayer, but showed how He Himself, the greatest of all, prayed to His Heavenly Father in all humility, sincerity and as a child praying to his dearest father. His...
I Am Born of God

I Am Born of God

I was born of God Before this world was made. And He has sent me here with love And made my memory fade. I am loved of God. My parents teach me so. And they do guide me every day That in His love I grow. I once lived with God. He taught me years before. And gave me...
Bless in the Lord’s Supper Prayers

Bless in the Lord’s Supper Prayers

Bless seems like a simple word in the scriptures and the sacrament prayers. The bread and water (formerly wine) are blessed by ordained priests and Elders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Somehow, the blessing makes the bread and water more than...


To sanctify or in ancient Hebrew “Qadash” means to set apart, be consecrated, be hallowed, be honored, be treated as sacred, be holy, be dedicated, to keep oneself separate[i] from the world even as God Himself is separate from the fallen world. In the Old Testament,...