Oh God of a Thousand Sorrows

Oh God of a Thousand Sorrows

Did You ever choke With sorrow and grief? My heart of hearts is broke. My pain knew no relief. Like a hangman’s noose, I open my mouth, but I am mute. My voice is crushed with grief And searing pains beyond belief. My side pains from crying. My bowels cramp from...
Your Immeasurable Grace

Your Immeasurable Grace

The dew drips from the lilies. The mist rises from the river road. The air is brim with melodies. Your kind eyes peek from Your abode. Your grace is immeasurable. My soul swells with gratitude. Your thinking is unknowable. Yet Your gifts are plentitude. I fail at...
The Burial Myrrh

The Burial Myrrh

To the child mother Mary purred While the nearby scent of Myrrh Wafted slowly heavenward To the empty throne of the Word Hastily into Joseph’s tomb The body enters the womb Of the earth’s deepest room Like a rejected lonely bridegroom Later came the Myrrh To the...
The stilled Frame on the dead tree

The stilled Frame on the dead tree

They let His lifeless body Fall to the red dry dirt. Once so full of Power mildly, Now devoid of breath, inert. Sacred blood oozed and dripped From every ragged wound. Raw gnarled flesh wrapped In mocking fresh linen wound. Off on a bouncing cart To a tomb far away...