Did You ever choke

With sorrow and grief?

My heart of hearts is broke.

My pain knew no relief.

Like a hangman’s noose,

I open my mouth, but I am mute.

My voice is crushed with grief

And searing pains beyond belief.

My side pains from crying.

My bowels cramp from trying

To catch a breath

While I shudder and sob to death.

Were You ever alone

While You did atone?

Did the Holy Spirit ever leave,

Allowing you to grieve?

How can You know

My agony here below?

You always see the future!

Were you ever without nuture?

All I pray for is one drop

Of relief, one ray of hope.

Why have You forsaken me

While you hung on the tree?

You should be more powerful

Than to die for me.

“But oh, my daughter wonderful.

I rose from the dead for thee.”

Back to the Father I must go

That the Spirit might come here below

To fill thy soul

with love, to overflow.

Roger James Simpson

Palm Sunday April 2, 2023