Since the beginning, mankind has dreamt of utopia, Shangri-La and garden paradises like returning to a mythical Eden, a once dream-like state of being surrounded by luxurious plants that grow without labor and provide for all the necessities of life.

However much every tribe and ancestral people longed for this mythical Eden, they have all been forced to deal with the fallen world we live in, full of violence, extortion, and slavery to wicked warlords and maniacal kings.

Twice there has been a people who have achieved this glorious state of peace, tranquility and absence of violent acts. The city of Enoch[i], the prophet, who was taken up into heaven according to the Bible.[ii] Since no unclean thing can enter heaven, the entire city must have been righteous, living in peace and harmony, without violence, extortion and having no poor among them. In the Book of Mormon, the 4th book of Nephi, the entire people lived in this state for several hundred years after the visit and teaching by the resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ.[iii]

When the kingdom of God comes to earth, what will it look like? 4th Nephi gives the answer:

“there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another. And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.”[iv]

What a contrast to the world we live in where division, hatred and violence toward those different than oneself, lack of forgiveness for honest mistakes, accusing one another of evil over just a word or look, and plotting to undermine others to get ahead socially and politically. It is no wonder the hope of peace on earth arises in the hearts of all who want good.[v]

Many faith traditions look forward to a Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on the earth. A period of a thousand years without mayhem, murder, threats, coercion and constant war and poverty. There will be no murderous tyrants, abusive dictators, human slavery or sex trafficking. The entire kingdom will be ruled by Jesus Christ himself on the earth, and his High Priests who are in the similitude of Him.

The ancient Israelite prophets foretold of this latter-day return of Jesus Christ and the millennial period. They even prophesied of the future temple in Jerusalem to be built after the manner of the temple in heaven.[vi] This futuristic utopia is real, having been seen in vision by many prophets, and is coming, and has been prayed for by billions of Christians saying the words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”[vii]

[i] Moses 7:69

[ii] Genesis 5:18-24

[iii] 4 Nephi 1:1-22

[iv] 4 Nephi 1:2-3

[v] Luke 2:14

[vi] Ezekiel chapter 47 KJV

[vii] Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4