“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”[i]

We can come to know and feel the power in every word of the scriptures. The power goes beyond the meaning of the word. It goes beyond intellectual understanding, beyond ancient meanings now lost, beyond saving the soul. There is power in reading the scriptures over the pulpit that carries the Spirit to the heart of everyone listening in the Spirit, conveying meanings that are unutterable. There is a fire and light that springs from the spoken sound of each word of the verse that one can feel leaving the pulpit and speaking the voice of the Savior as the sound of innumerable seas. There is something more in these words than meaning, feeling, joy, knowledge, and faith. There is a special light, a sword of truth, a key to the universe, a parting of the veil, and a pentecostal flowing of power. It is like each time these sacred scriptural words are pronounced vocally among the saints, the vault of eternity opens and many unseen things flow out into us opening special eternal places inside of us to flow into. Most of it we do not sense with our feelings or perceive with our humble human thoughts. There is a sense that more is at stake than we have any idea of.

see John 1:1